NSBW23 Logo
a series of 12 circular stickers with the words "I love my school counselor" next to the words "South Central LOVES Mrs. Kelley"
two heart-shaped suckers lying on a white backdrop
Blood Orange
US military branch symbols with the words "military care packages"
a report card with several subjects and grades listed with the words "Viewing Report Cards in Harmony Family Access"
evergreen branches surround a greeting card cover that reads "Happy Holidays"
calendar icon with the words "Board Approves 2023-2024 School Calendar"
EZ School Pay Logo
a line of bowling pins with the words spell bowl 2022 printed on them
banner titled "I Pledge to be Drug-Free" with student signatures
group of students listening to presenter, a lineman demonstrating what happens when a limb touches a power line, and a student exiting from the front seat of a fire engine
school bus with a circle-slash over it and the words "school delay and closure notificaitons"
SCE Share Table
"Art really hits the spot! Or in this case, The Dot" with the cover of the book, The Dot.
Picture of 2 red ribbons with Red Ribbon Week October 24th-28th
a report card with several subjects and grades listed with the words "Viewing Report Cards in Harmony Family Access"
picture of a group of individuals looking at what appears to be plans on a table with the words " We want to hear from you"
picture of a bag of groceries with the words "Help Support the Harrison County Food Pantry".
a picture of a graduate in cap and gown sits beside three books with the words "College Go Week".